Temple Implants in Austin


Before/After Temple Implants

Purpose: To fill out hollow temples and soften the bony/skeletal look that occurs genetically, or with aging

Incision: Located in the hair above the ear, between ½ and 1-inch long

Anesthesia: Local anesthesia or local anesthesia plus IV sedation

Recovery: Depends on the patient

Typically very minimal outward signs of healing. Usually, patients do not bruise or have noticeable swelling, though it is possible.

Cost: $5,500 – $6,000


The primary goal of temple implants is to fill and soften the hollowing of the temples that can occur as you age, or due to your genetics. The implant itself is soft like a “gummy bear” and simulates the look and feel of muscle. If you run your fingers over your temples and press, it should not feel appreciably different from a temple that has no implant. This procedure can be done on its own or combined with other surgery techniques, such as facelift or eyelid surgery.


Temple implants are placed by making an incision behind the temple hairline above the ear. The incision itself is about ½ inch long, but it may be up to 1-inch long. Hair is not shaved, it is simply parted along the incision line during surgery. The incision is closed with sutures at the end of the procedure, not staples. The implant itself is placed directly on top of the temporalis muscle, which is one of the muscles used to chew. There is a natural layer on top of this muscle that, once entered, requires no cutting. It is simply “swept” open. This is a natural layering, so opening it for placement of the implant creates minimal trauma, which is the reason there is typically no bruising and almost no swelling.


Temple Implant Procedure | Enhance Facial Symmetry with Temple ImplantsPatients are able to choose between local anesthesia only, or intravenous (IV) sedation for their procedure. Local anesthesia involves around 10 seconds of pain as the anesthetic reaches the tissues. The advantage to local anesthesia — alone or in combination with a “valium” pill — is the minimal recovery from anesthesia after the cosmetic procedure ends. Another advantage to local anesthesia is that a patient is awake and able to view different size implant test fittings during the procedure using a mirror. On the other hand, IV sedation allows the patient to sleep throughout the entire procedure for an anxiety-free and pain-free experience.


  1. The week following the procedure, patients should avoid exercise.
  2. After one week, a careful and gradual return to full activity can begin.
  3. Sutures are removed one week after surgery.
  4. Patients may gradually return to full activity in around one-month post-procedure.
  5. Full recovery typically takes approximately six (6) months, depending on the patient.
  6. Patients are prescribed pain medications as well as sedatives to minimize discomfort.
  7. After surgery, a dressing is placed around the patient’s head. It does not cover the patient’s eyes, nose, or mouth, allowing them to see, talk, and eat. The head dressing is removed the day after the procedure, and a member of our team will shampoo the patient’s hair and give instructions for tending to the incisions. A drain is used in recovery for one night after the surgery.

This procedure rarely results in extensive pain. However, some patients find the snug head dressing a bit uncomfortable. Patients wear an elastic band for 4 days following the procedure, which can be removed while bathing.

Activity after the surgery is limited. Patients may move about at will but should abstain from any sort of strenuous activity. Eventually, patients can slowly begin to participate in activities that involve the pulling of the neck and shoulder area, such as tennis, golf, weight lifting, etc. Driving should be limited, as it requires excessive neck movement.

The incision lines are visible for the first few months but can be disguised with makeup. Patients typically experience numbness in the cheek and neck area that can last for several months. While subtle swelling can persist for about six months, the bulk of the swelling will subside within six weeks.

Risks that could potentially occur with this surgery include:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Infection
  • Anesthesia complications
  • Nerve injury
  • Numbness

Are you ready to be confident and feel beautiful? Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start the process.

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