With age, skin can begin to slacken due to the body’s lower production of collagen and elastin. Most people associate this looser skin with the lower areas of the face, leading to the creation of jowls, but your eyelids can also suffer.

Slack eyelids can age you and affect your self-confidence. If you’re struggling with this issue, eyelid surgery called blepharoplasty may be the solution. Here’s what you need to know about this effective option.


Your eyes make up one of the most expressive parts of your face. Anything that mars their radiance can impact your overall look.

The problem is that the skin around your eyes is thinner than the rest of your face, which means it displays damage more easily. You may start noticing puffiness, sagging, and wrinkling over time, which can give your eyes a hooded, tired look.

A type of eyelid surgery called blepharoplasty can help. This procedure works for both the upper and lower eyelids. It can help reduce the wrinkles around your eyes and remove the extra skin and fat pockets that could be causing your under-eye area to look puffy.


There are a lot of misconceptions out there about the blepharoplasty procedure that could prevent you from opting for it. One of these myths is that eyelid surgery will leave an obvious scar.

The procedure does involve making incisions on the crease of the eye, which essentially leaves no trace of the cut. Furthermore, eyelid skin is some of the best healing skin on the body from a cosmetic perspective. Your doctor will always speak with you about what you can expect and where the incisions will occur.

Another myth is that this procedure will give them the “surprised” look. Upper eyelid surgery will not do that. An overzealous browlift certainly could, but this is not a concern for upper eyelids.

People also believe that non-surgical procedures can achieve the same results as eyelid surgery. While options like dermal fillers and neuromodulators can help improve the way your eyes look, they’re typically not as effective in providing that bright, warm, and welcoming look you want.


To ensure that you’re a good candidate for blepharoplasty, you will need to visit your doctor and get a medical evaluation. If you are a good candidate, you will receive instructions on how to prepare for the surgery, including what medications you can and can’t take.

In an upper blepharoplasty, Dr. Apostplakis will make an incision in your eyelid’s natural creases and then remove excess skin and occasionally fat. After which he will carefully close the incisions to prevent visible scarring.

For an upper blepharoplasty you can usually expect the procedure to last about 30 minutes. The patient is given the option to have the procedure done awake with local anesthesia only, or under IV sedation. IV sedation will cause you to sleep through the procedure but does not require putting a tube in your airway or using any gas.

You will then receive full instructions on how to care for the incisions and what activities you may want to avoid as you recover.


If you’re unhappy with how your eyelids look and want a lasting solution, blepharoplasty could be the right option. Dr. Apo is an expert in these procedures and can easily combine eyelid surgery with facelifts and other surgeries.

Don’t wait to begin your journey to a more radiant you. Contact Dr. Apo to schedule a consultation today.